10 October 2011

Another quote from Paul Sellers

Seems he's got a lot of good to say lately:

"Yesterday I found myself in a group of people from mixed backgrounds: An MP and his wife and daughter, a clothes designer/manufacturer and his wife and daughter a retired dentist and his friend, also a retired dentist. I began asking a question I ask many people at least once a day. What did it take for two of the most productive nations on the face of the earth to relinquish their titles as industrial powers manufacturing all they needed to thrive and become totally consumerist? I mean take a look at all you buy, walk in, walk on, look at, look through, pack in, unpack. Everything you are standing on and wearing , from the soles of your feet to the very tippy-top of your head was made on another continent and we sold the equipment, designs and techniques and technologies that make that possible. Moreover, we sold our children’s birthright to work creatively and put them on the dole (unemployment benefit). Until we answer this and recognise the failed governance of our economy and education of young people we cannot really move forward."

Found here: http://paulsellers.com/2011/10/sometimes-i-panic/

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